Codeq’s Summarizer Updated with Summary Length Option

Paulo Malvar
2 min readFeb 17, 2022

At Codeq we’re always listening to our users’ feedback. In case you didn’t know we have a little widget on our website where you can get in touch with us in order to ask us questions or just give us some feedback.

Codeq API’s Drift widget.

A few weeks ago, one of our users requested a new feature for our general purpose summarizer so that users can specify the desired number of sentences to be contained in a given summary.

We’re happy to announce that we have just deployed a new version of our summarizer that allows users to do precisely that.

In order to specify the desired output length for summaries, users just need to add an optional parameter (summary_length=[digit]) to their API call:

document = client.analyze(text, pipeline=”summarize”, summary_length=2)

Not specifying the number of output sentences tells our summarizer that it should default to its predefined behavior and dynamically calculate the output summary length.

We hope this allows users to use our API in more targeted and flexible way.

For more information about Codeq’s general purpose Summarizer and other tools included in Codeq NLP API, please visit our website.

And if you would like to give us feedback, please do not hesitate to use our Drift widget. Our team will be happy to hear from you.

